When the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wild Fire

I am a fire dancer .

I  love the feel of the fire ,wild and free.
I become fire . . . leaping from my feet ,
blazing all the way up and out  . . . ignited .

Dancing  its burning heat , I am a moth to the flame.
It's magical glow has cast  it's light  over me,
as if I were one of it's own crimson flames .

While I will always be a Fire Dancer , for it is in my nature.
I also love to rest my feet in the cool earth ,
 sinking my roots in , reaching deep ,
grounding me in it's soothing stillness and certainty .



Saturday, January 29, 2011


I want to sink in , as deep as I can go.
I don't even care if the undertow pulls me in and sucks me down
 into it's swirling depths.

I have already sunk  , what's the point of trying to swim.

I might find ground when I reach the bottom , if there is one.
I might float back to the surface or go beyound.
I could find Utopia ,euphoria. . .
In any case ,
I will find  another piece of myself. . . .


Friday, January 28, 2011


This is for my cat , and anyone who can relate. . . . .

We travel through this life , with many pit stops, before we reach our true home.
The place where your soul feels the best.
The place where you resonate , where you can most be yourself  . . .

We are born and start movin on  . . .
We go here , we go there , working our way through the chemistry.
Wading through the molecules.

We can resist and struggle against the tide,
Or we can ride . . . . like we know that each stop, is actually home,
and maybe the next one will be the best one , the truest one ,
and maybe . . .  this is where you'll stay !!!

Welcome home Rumi .

My CAT ,what a teacher . . An old soul .

6 hours in the car and two , count em , two meows , that's it !!!!
And . . .  13 hour days under the massage table at 5 mnths old. Geeeeezzzzz.
I'm impressed !!!!!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


There are those who  live , riding out on the wind of there dreams. 
Driven by passion,  Short and sweet.
Others live there lives miserable long  ,unfullfilled. . .

Each of us has our dreams ,
 though they be different and perhaps impossible for another to understand.
Each of us has a choice to follow them the distance ,or to what ever extent we can  go .

Not one of us can can judge what is best for another person or know what inspires or makes them happy.

We have to focus and  trust in our own dreams instead of  contemplating the wrongs and rights of others.

 For it has been said , Life is not measured by its length , but by the fullness in which we live it.

What ever fills you up , thats what you should do .
Subject to change at any given moment !


Thursday, January 20, 2011

The long red road . . .

I have never wanted anyone to'' take care ''of me , not even my parents.
I have always been  independent, even at an early age.
Almost rebelliously !

Never wanted anyone elses income , house  . . .  , I have always made my own way.

Through all my care giving , I no longer want to ''take care ''of anyone.
At least to the extent that I have. Though I have great peace in all that has past.

 I have come to want a love to compliment my life .

I am already complete , I am not looking  to be . . . completed.
I am not looking to be fixed , nor am I wanting to fix anyone.

No one needs to be fixed.

We are the way we are, unfolding perfectly in our own time.
Some of us unfolding together ,
like a symphony, complimenting each other , each with our own sound.

Finding that sacred balance, that beautiful place of loving someone enough to stand back, allowing ourselves to hear that other voice , not just our own .
Appreciating the differences while staying the coarse of your own path.

There is a blossoming and a joy in watching something , someone grow.
With a little love, life force energy- sun, air , wind , sky . . .  we bloom
separetly and together.

We all walk the long red road and meet the people that help us find our way.
Everything unfolds just as it should. Perfect Love finds us no matter where we are.
This I know.


Ask for what you want . . .

She said , ''Ask for what you want''  !

But if I start , there is no stopping me, there is so much I want. I'll never stop  . . . wanting.
When I'm dead . . . .  and then I might just come back and do it  all again !

Its FUN wanting. Its actually essential for our survival , wanting.

Wanting is truly about the journey not about getting there.
Its what makes us tick , prepelling us forward.
Once you're there , its done, complete .

But  then . . .  there's that wanting  . . .  again . . .  for the next .
There will  always be something new and wonderful coming , forever more.

I am always thinking , creating a new adventure .
That is the game of life , a good one , I think.

Soooooo . . .

I want love (  I have it) I'll take MORE . . .
I want travel  . . . ,MORE
I want to ski . . . .   MORE
I want to love everything I do
(  I already love everything) Perhaps ~ More things to love (allah help us all )
I want  to write . . . .   . . .  more to write about.
I have everything I want , I just want more of it.

And Peace . . .  in everyone.
And if we pay attention to our own happiness , we will have it.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This tinge of pain  . . .
I recognize . . .

It feels good to know that lonliness can only be felt
when you know you've been loved.

When I realize this , it goes away .


The Art of Flowing

I am learning to let feelings and experiences flow through me , 
 as if I were a river. Translucent  and fluid .

Clear blue with shimmering sunlight ,
Merky and shaded on cloudier days.
Black as the nights darkness with the stars and moons reflection,
lighting the way.

There will be turbulance and there will be calm ...
There will be days of gurgling and babbling . . .
Yet all will be flowing, moving through , ever changing  into something new . . .

Whole Hearted

Can you feel it ?
My hands reaching out across space and time  . . .
Gently holding your heart in one hand ,
mending it with the other.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow Dolphins

Today , on skiies , I was lead by a team of Snow Dolphins.

They were so fast , that all I could see was splash after splash of flying snow before me ,
with an occational hint of color through the white out .
I was amazed at how powerful and tireless these creatures are.

And to think they are my own personal  team of Snow Dolphines .

I'm thinkin ~~ ~  '' Polar World ''  . . .
(Eat your heart out ,  Sea World ! )


In Sublimation of snow

In sublimation , I sing the song of snow.

I drum , the beat of the snows falling steady rhythm.
My own rhythm in unison .
Our volume changing its direction as the wind blows.

Like the snow , riding on the wind ,
 we too must let all things come and go as they will.

Better to ride on the ebb and flow of the journey ,
 than to try to steer against the wind.


Sunday, January 16, 2011


 Today I ''journeyed '' with  a friend over the phone.     

She is trained in Shamanic work as well as mysticism.
We have worked together many times, for a few years sharing extrodinary experiences.

Today was a  journey following a series of journeys done over the coarse of a year.

I found Swan as my totem. My first, in all this time.                     

                             Swan likes winter , she does not like the heat.
                                  She has ties to the direction of North.
                                          She likes to be near water.
                             She discovers her power and beauty later in life . . .

                            Swan medicine is the totem of the child , the poet ,
                                    the mystic, the dreamer and the healer.
                                        And is linked with the faery realm.

                             Swan is about  transformation and surrendering
                                   to the grace and rhythm of the Universe
                                           and into the dream time. . .
                          Riding on the precipice of many dimentions and worlds.
                           Swan' s medicine is about accepting intuitive abilities
                                and the medicine that is given to see the future.

                               This was an incredible experience , as it always is.

                                 It also felt like the completion of something big.
                               Something I have been working on for a long time.

                                           My friend usualy hears the words ,
                              while I see the pictures which always correspond .
                                    This time we both saw the same pictures.

                         I do love ritual . I take that from my catholic background
          ( thats one of few things that I appreciate from my Catholic experience !!!!.)
                                                     And incense . . .

          I Journeyd this summer while hiking. Surrounded by the power of the woods and rivers.
                          That was magnificent and truly a life changing experience.
                                  I will do that again and as often as possible.
                                                 At least every year.
                                          Nature is my church , my sanctuary
                     and I am always filled up from'' just being''  . . . out there . . . in it. . .
                        and then . . .  its in me . . .  I just breath that in and I feel alive
               I feel oxygenated , as if there were greenness living and growing inside me.
                                                   I am renewed.

Today I skiied as Swan . . .
And I felt different . . .A whole new perspective


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Beauty (written for L.P. )

Your spirit shines brighter than ever before.
Spilling out with such beauty , skin could never know.
A blossoming of your soul.

love ,


The best

 I have arrived to the place of happiness.
  I feel like I'm the best me I've ever been .  . .

From the inside , I am filled with a sense of peace
in where I 've come  from,
and an excitment in where I am going .

Content and happy to be here , while dreaming dreams of the future .

The outside . . .

  Wrinkles , yes  . . .

But  with a smile I say, they came with me on the wind , from the world that I rode in upon ,
and I love every single one !


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The map of ones self . . . .

  Traveling down the pathways of self .
through green valleys of envy I once knew, no longer verdant.

Past ancient mountains of  struggle that are now just shadows of what were.

The rolling plains of relationships that have come and gone,
 I now see as intrical parts of myself.

 All entwined within this map of self that I have come to know.

Nothing here is a mistake nothing bad or good.
All  roads connect every aspect of me.

Some  are straight and narrow ,easy , some twist and turn taking time to get
to there destination.

Some just go  around and around , Making me sometimes doubt the journey.
 Those are the roads I most appreciate.Those are the roads I  know like no other.

When I finally arrive to where I was headed and look back at all those circles,
I wonder why it was so hard to see that other clear straight line behind me.
And then I think ,  Faster is not always the best  way of travel.
Looking out over the terraine ,you can see many things that you never noticed before.
Things you might cherish.

And sometimes you might find pieces of yourself you never knew were missing.

No matter which road i travel ,they all lead to the greater self.
They all make up who I am.
I will always be a traveler and  the journey will forever be unfolding.



I am one of many drops of the ocean

I am one grain of sand of the beach.

One particle in and of the Universe.

We are  unique , important and beautiful as the next.
 yet synchronous .

My thoughts and actions affect you .
Yours affect me.

I breath in particle's of you , you breath in particle's of me.
This must be  . . .

Together we make up the whole,
 with out each other we are nothing  .  .

Why not give each other the benifit of doubt
or better yet  , a hand ~ UP  ~ to our higher selves ,
 it would be as if we were  helping ourselves.

love ,
M'Larky or just plain '' Lark ''
( Named by my best friend , whom I've known since I was three)


I am here ,in this perfect moment of peace.
Where love's abundance radiates out through me and into the outside world.

I am here in this moment where nothing but love exists.
Nothing but love matters.

It doesn't even matter if you love me back,
Because this ~ love ~ is enough  . . .

It is not contingent upon approval or reciprocation.
It  is its own entity , it is self relient ,  self fulfilling ,it is all encompassing.
Like the ocean or the universe.
I am free . . .in this beautiful place , here inside myself.

There is nothing greater , than to know this
and to remember the way back here.

 LOVE  . . .  I LOVE . . .  I AM LOVE . . . . at least in this little moment,
of which I am forever in apprecation of.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Parenting in the new year

We are children for such a short period of time,
and yet , we will always be the children we once were.

I will always be the energetic toddler, the free spirited teen,
the dancer ,the actress, the teacher , the child of my parents.

For what I have been , I will always be ,
leading me  on the path of who I will become.

 As adults ,If we can connect these pieces , it is an opportunity
to nurture and be the best parents to ourselves , for who knows us better.

As the child inside of us who see's with delight , a whole new world
full of adventure with the promise of a brand new beautiful day ,
reminding us of this and to be easy on ourselves.

Giving us permission to not be so perfect .
And to know there are no mistakes , only choices , changeable at any moment.

We could forgive ourselves and each other in an instant,
 because we'd rather go out to play.

Seeing ourselves through a childs eyes with no judgment , no expectations
except to revel in the excitment of the unknown ,of what is yet to come.

 This would be true freedom.

For what we live is who we are. Or is it , who we are is what we live . . . it all comes from within .
Who we are is what we should  love . . .

Be a creator , be a land scape artist , pave the future , leaving lots of room for the unknown ,
ready to catapult any where at any given moment into the love of life through ourselves .