When the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Monday, December 13, 2010

traveling souls

Some of us have something deeper than a common thread with each other.
We are inner connected on a different plane,
 We were ment to cross pathes some where along the line .

We meet people for the first time, feeling like we have always known them .
Others , there is a connection ,but not strong  enough to put the time and energy in to.
Some encounters just feel like finished business.

Then there are those  you feel an electrical surgence with , which is unavoidable.
You can read their thoughts,sometimes predict their next move.
They answer questions you've never had to ask. . .The connection runs deeper .

There is a comfort in just being who you are,
 knowing that is good enough, in fact it is perfect..
These are the  people that make us shine .

When you encounter these souls
What a blessing . It is a thing of spirit.

Traveling souls that finally find each other along this path, for a time, what ever time is needed ,wanted, until its time to travel again. . . .

Either together or alone , which ever , I have fear of neither .
But welcome all .

Thursday, December 9, 2010


My heart is like the lotus.
Opening , petal upon petal to the center,
To a fragrance  and beauty I had almost forgotten.

Trust is like the stem . Growing from the root upward toward the life force energy .

They meet somewhere between grace and appreciation that all will be well,
 no matter the outcome .
                    My heart is full and open .



Returning from my favorite ski spot in the woods,
 Skiing back down the trail I had just groomed with my skiis .

I saw moose tracks covering my own , nearly the entire distance back.

And I wondered if like myself , the moose curiously put his' hoovstep' into mine ,
wondering . . .  whom this might be.

Measuring his own print against the size , width,( my case, length of ski)
of this someone . . . this unusual creature with very looooong hooves  ? paws  ?  feet ?
Would he indeed ponder this ?

                            I just wondered. . . .

Monday, December 6, 2010


When I look at nature and everything within her
its all very simple.
There is forgivness,
There is respect and a love for all things.

The consequences of actions are clear , no contemplation necessary.
No yes's  well maybe , well  hmmmmm . . .

 Nature can  sometimes seem cruel but there is also a knowing and a trust of taking your coarse and seeing it through .

Everything just seems to except life and lives it . . .  happy  and free .

Why must we analyze with great deliberation everything  to the point of desecration ?
 Until it seems we do not know ~  anything ~ at all any more ,

Maybe , just for a minute . . .  we could think like a tree.


Rain drops

After the fire , there were kisses
 like raindrops
       falling all over me
             until I was covered ,
 emersed in there pool
                  floating into bliss ~ again .


We are made of the stars .

Some of us are here , standing still , content to
                    twinkle and shine.

            Some of us are fading into the backdrop of darkness ,
 our light the glow of a candle.

Some of us have scattered light ,
            a luminara with pinpoints here and there.

                And some of us
 are shooting out across the Universe
                       like Wildfire
       searching for whatever makes us shine . . .



One drop of kindness
fills the cup of humanity.


Saturday, December 4, 2010


The Book

Lilies -------as tall as ourselves and more lovely,
and full of fragrance, and long orange tongues,
and those playthings that bees  - stood in

a neighbor's yard, a thick , ramping hedge of them.
You could not help but see
that to be beautiful is also to be simple

and brief; is to rise up and be glorious ,
 and then vanish; is to be silent but as though a song was in you
 only it hasn't yet been heard

At least in a garden of real earth and sparrows and wrens ,
and people hurrying on to the usual daily foolishness
 that comes to so little so far as the real things matter

:eternity,the unseen, the unrecognized ,
 the filling of the heart with goodness,
 as if it were a hive in which nothing corrupt could live.

 And I thought if anyone of them could write the story of their  lives ,
who wouldn't stand in line and hand over the last of their shining money
 oh , the very end of their shining money  ---- to buy it.

Mary Oliver

Friday, December 3, 2010


The tree of life grows within us.
The seed was planted before we were born.                                                  

We branch out into the Universe on our seperate paths,our seeds sown.
Meeting beneath the sky , our roots intertwined , planted deep in the earth.
We drink from the same waters ,
replenish from the same sun, working together ,interconnected , as one.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

rumi / another one of my favorites . . .

Be a lamp
or a life boat
or a ladder.

Help someone's soul heal.

Walk out of your house
like a shepard.


Sking through miles of royal pines crowned with snow      
Giant pillers of the gateway
enveloping me as I pass beneath there vernal branches.
I am lost here , joyfully lost ,
until I disapear . . .
and become
one of them .


window of the soul

Some say the eyes
are the windows to the soul.

I look into you and I see who you are
not the flesh and bone
of the man you think you should be
or who you might have been .
No. . . .
I see sparkle and light through the darkness ,through the mask
I see the child ,the man , the woman
I see the wisdom of the warrior coming from the darkness into the light ,
your light . . .
Let it shine.
