When the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Saturday, December 4, 2010


The Book

Lilies -------as tall as ourselves and more lovely,
and full of fragrance, and long orange tongues,
and those playthings that bees  - stood in

a neighbor's yard, a thick , ramping hedge of them.
You could not help but see
that to be beautiful is also to be simple

and brief; is to rise up and be glorious ,
 and then vanish; is to be silent but as though a song was in you
 only it hasn't yet been heard

At least in a garden of real earth and sparrows and wrens ,
and people hurrying on to the usual daily foolishness
 that comes to so little so far as the real things matter

:eternity,the unseen, the unrecognized ,
 the filling of the heart with goodness,
 as if it were a hive in which nothing corrupt could live.

 And I thought if anyone of them could write the story of their  lives ,
who wouldn't stand in line and hand over the last of their shining money
 oh , the very end of their shining money  ---- to buy it.

Mary Oliver

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