When the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Snow on the mountain

As the storm moves in upon the mountain of where we stand ,
we waver in our decision to run down the mountain or be consumed by the storm.

We run , and run, and run . . . when we realize that it is pouring rain . . .  below us . . .
We are abouve the clouds  . . .  . . looking down on earth . . .
where it is steaming and raining cats and dogs .

The clouds begin to move upwards , they move in around us .
It begins to snow . . .
We stop to taste the summer snow flakes upon our toungue.
We stop to smell the virgin rain, fresh from the cloud
We stop to see the beauty all around us
We stop . . .

Now I know I am in heaven.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Sister of my heart

Sister of my heart ,
born of mothers wing.

I have come to say good bye.

Go little sister, where you will find peace . . .

 Where you will find our mother once again.
She'll swoop you up under her downy wing
with all the comfort and love you deserve , but could not find here.

She will teach you again , how to love yourself .
Then you will always be loved.

With peace , love and joy ,


Good bye

Through the forests and the bramble
over the rivers and plains

Through the wetlands and the pristine patures with their white farm houses.
Traveling the flip book country side and back on the pavement.

I find you waiting . . .

Surrounded by everything that is not you.
Buttons , bells , tubes , floresent lights , needles , oxygen from a tank . . .

Here I stand to send you on your way , sister of my heart and mothers wing.


Higher and higher

I look up, above me  The Rocky mountains surround me with their majestic beauty.

I sit here , camped beneath them.

Where blue green glacier waters meet ancient stone.
I am wrapped in this vortex of energy , so powerful , so  wise.

Tears stream down my cheeks with immeasurable appreciation in being here.
I am filled from my roots to the top of my crown !


World Citizens

Chinese , Laos , Tao's ,First Nation ,Somalian ,French ,Nigerian , Irish,
Greek ,Marsian ,Jupitarian ,Plutarian and me .
This is what I love about this world.
We are all together  . . .  World citizens.


Cirque Du Greyhound

The gradient tiles of the greyhound floor swirl
 beneath the swarm of feet that dance over it.

French is mostly spoken here , quickly , sensiously by
beautiful young bohemian men and women , guiless .
Tie dye , Dreads , tatoo's , in a rainbow of color both cloth and skin.

I am the stage curtain , opening my vision to the scene before me.
A cirque 'Du Soleil  !!!!!

The energy exciting , bursting with creativity and whimsey,
unable to contain itself for the final destination , Winnipeg !

I am reminded of my youth and the freedom I felt
when traveling unincumbered , just my backpack and me.
Traveling across distances unknown  .

I am here again . . . on my way to The Winnipeg Folk Festival then
Brittish Colombia backpacking. My plans unfolding perfectly.
All is more than well here .

I am swept up in the chao's of excitment , just taking it all in.

When suddenly the big beautiful bubble starts to deflate.. .

An American soldier ,three and a half sheets to the wind,
 just returned from Afghanistan emerges. . . out of thin air. . .it seems.

Swaying from side to side, bumping into anything/one in his path,
 he arrives at a seat.
The soldier sits down beside a man dark in color who is sitting with two women
of simular ethnicity.

The soldier speaks to the man next him , stating loudly ''You're from Ghana '' . . .
The man looks over at the soldier , a little bewildered , and shakes his head. . .  no.

The soldier ponders for a brief moment , and says ''you're from Ethiopia then''.
The man , again , shakes his head , no.

The soldier contiues on a tyraid  of harrassment ,
for what seems to me, eternity,I am sensing this is true for the whole hive , as well.

One of the women sitting next to the man ,  gets up and disapears in the crowd ,
 after a while she returns to her seat.
As she is sitting down ,the soldier puts his hand on her. The man says to the soldier ,
" in my culture , we do not touch women with out their permission.'
The soldier says, ''why not'' ?
The man replies ,'' it is concidered disrespectful.'' The soldier sigh's. . .

Mean while the environment has changed from whimsical fun to hostile ,
 on guard for what's to come next .

The circus rhythm is spiraling into a knot of tension in the warp of this
beautifully woven textile of cross cultures , yellow , brown, red . black , beige,
now black and blue around the edges., seeming to unravel.

Different groups of men gather close by ,their arms folded , waiting to step in ,
if need be.Most people turn away but are listening for the sound
of going too far . .

The soldier  takes his right hand sits on it , pulls it out from underneath himself
and extends it in a handshake  . . .
The man ignores this.
The soldier then say's  ,'' You won't even shake my hand , because I'm a white guy'' . Pause . . . . '' Are you going to tell me where you're from '' ?

Everyone is silent , everyone is watching  now, waiting . . .

The man turns to the soldier  , looks him in the eye ,and says ,

''I am a world citizen''.

The hive takes in a collective breath . . .a sigh of relief,
knowing that this man has gathered all his integrety and compassion
and chosen to respond with grace .

The soldier is speechless.

In his frustration for losing this fight , he throws his hands in the air ,
gets up kicks the door to the restroom open, and disapears.

One wonders , did he want to be punished , beaten up ? What happened to him ?
Was he always this way ? Did this war commit him to crimes he can not live with.?
Maybe he was nice once . . .
Or has he always been an ass  ????

Moments later he returns to the same seat .
He sits down   . . . .  dropping his head to his knee's  . . .  he sobs.

In silence we give thanks for transcendence.

We are all world citizen's. . .

When each of us  chooses to honor the best part of ourselves, we honor one another as well.
Transcending our true nature with integreity , compassion , and grace,
 collectivly making up the magnificence and beauty in this world.

Our differences are the beauty and the fiber that holds us all together.

Thank you to the man at The Greyhound Station in Thunder Bay
  for showing us the way!

With peace & love,

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it
and whispers ''Grow , grow ''.

~~ The Talmud

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly:
 what is essential is invisible to the eye.

~ Antoine De Saint - Exupery

Make yourself familar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit:
for with out being seen , they are present , with in you.

~ St. Francis De Sales