When the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Sunday, May 15, 2011


The songs of the birds awaken me from my sleep.
I rise up to the window to find the whole world awake
and singing.


The ancient school of mystic's said;

Know thyself
and thou shalt know the Universe.

And I say . . .

 know thyself through nature
 there lies the doorway to thyself and the Universe  . . .


If you are going to take something from the river,
a fish , a stone , a drink .

Give something in
return , a prayer , a poem , a word of thanks.

A balance in all things.


Spring Hike

I hiked ''my section '' of the Superior Hiking Trail today.
Jackson Lake road to Arrowhead trail .
          It was a magnificent day to be out.

How lucky  I was to find myself among new life , bursting out of the ground.
 Spring's new fledglings , for such a short time before preparing  for summer, only to be given over to fall and then  a long winters sleep ..

Fiddleheads to ferns in the blink of an eye, makes you appreciate life and the time we have.
 I saw Bloodroot , wild ginger , trillium , marsh marigolds , lavender butterflies.
Greens ,yellow's , white , purple's  all the  the color's of spring.
Even the moose tracks and poop ,and wolf scat . . . a sight for sore eyes.

Gotta love it ! And I REALLY do !!!!



I am bursting with each bud , ready to blossom.
I feel sunny and green, so very new and green right now.
And all I want to do is sing  . . .


Saturday, May 7, 2011


Someone recently informed me that they had heard me repeat
several times in the last month , my appreciation of life  .              

This resonated deep within me a bell of  clarity , ringing out . . .
 I am happy.
Truly happy.

I have wrapped my arms around my heart,
around my self . . .
and I am here to stay ~ true to this heart ~
now and forever.

I am appreciating all my experiences , all good , even the painful ones.

There is some sweet joy in having passed through
 to the other side of sorrow, that doorway to the soul .

Returning with the knowledge
of having been some place beautiful ,
some place meaningful , Taking from it , something new.

I can now see the shedding of my skin , peeling through layers of old relics,
that  are now words on a page ,
put away only to be taken out from time to time to remember
where I've been , and where I'm going .

I am appreciating this moment `
right now .

This world was made to be happy in .
I have found liberation in my own sovereign hands.


Sunday, May 1, 2011


Everything you need is inside of you              
                                                   What you seek is yourself
                                                        You are the Universe.

                                                                      Listen . . .

                                                 Seek in a circle around yourself
                                                               spiraling inward . . .

                                                Until you have arrived to the center.

                                       There you will find yourself waiting to love you.


Threshold of the temple

I was given a generious invitation by a robin.

She asked me to cross over the threshold of metiocrity.
past any false notes I may have had , but rather , to sing out my own song .

I found my voice to be silent , illuminated by words on a page.
Elemental to my being .

I am here now dear Robin finding the music that helps me to soar , just like you.
