When the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Sunday, January 16, 2011


 Today I ''journeyed '' with  a friend over the phone.     

She is trained in Shamanic work as well as mysticism.
We have worked together many times, for a few years sharing extrodinary experiences.

Today was a  journey following a series of journeys done over the coarse of a year.

I found Swan as my totem. My first, in all this time.                     

                             Swan likes winter , she does not like the heat.
                                  She has ties to the direction of North.
                                          She likes to be near water.
                             She discovers her power and beauty later in life . . .

                            Swan medicine is the totem of the child , the poet ,
                                    the mystic, the dreamer and the healer.
                                        And is linked with the faery realm.

                             Swan is about  transformation and surrendering
                                   to the grace and rhythm of the Universe
                                           and into the dream time. . .
                          Riding on the precipice of many dimentions and worlds.
                           Swan' s medicine is about accepting intuitive abilities
                                and the medicine that is given to see the future.

                               This was an incredible experience , as it always is.

                                 It also felt like the completion of something big.
                               Something I have been working on for a long time.

                                           My friend usualy hears the words ,
                              while I see the pictures which always correspond .
                                    This time we both saw the same pictures.

                         I do love ritual . I take that from my catholic background
          ( thats one of few things that I appreciate from my Catholic experience !!!!.)
                                                     And incense . . .

          I Journeyd this summer while hiking. Surrounded by the power of the woods and rivers.
                          That was magnificent and truly a life changing experience.
                                  I will do that again and as often as possible.
                                                 At least every year.
                                          Nature is my church , my sanctuary
                     and I am always filled up from'' just being''  . . . out there . . . in it. . .
                        and then . . .  its in me . . .  I just breath that in and I feel alive
               I feel oxygenated , as if there were greenness living and growing inside me.
                                                   I am renewed.

Today I skiied as Swan . . .
And I felt different . . .A whole new perspective


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