When the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
each other doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Labyrinth of thought

I read something a Zen poet wrote ,''  truth is not found in words'' .

Words are formed from thought.
Thought is a labyrinth.                                                                           
On going. . .

It goes around and around
until it finds its momentary destination of truth.
How do  you capture something that is in constant motion ,
 and give words to it?

There is a lot to be said , in no words . .  . Silence can speak volumes.

And yet I know for myself I take great meaning in words.
Perhaps too much so.

They sometimes have a mind of their own,
 and act upon their own accord.

Words can be decieving ,  misunderstood , manipulated , conjegated,
 consecrated , contemplated. . . .

Depending on who is thinking ,speaking ,writing and listening .

How is it that any of us converse , trusting that our thoughts and words are ''truly''
recieved , understood and respected ?

It seems to me that it is the ''spoken word'' that gets ''complicated''.

Maybe if we went back  to primordial language , perhaps the beginning . . .
like grunting . . .
We would have a better sense and meaning of truth.
It might match the behavior best , in certain cases !

That WOULD be sad.

There are so many beautiful and profound words written and spoken that say
what we need /want to say .
It's hard for me to understand not using them.

I myself , may just stop speaking words all together and choose just to write.
It feels the best , it feels thought out, tender and true.

But then again , they are my words and I know them well.
I like to retreat inside , and surround myself with them . . .
where the words of my soul have been tried and i know they are true.


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